On Reaching the Public with the Message of Baha'u'llah: Important for Baha'is
Definitions of public on the Web in all languages:
使用Public 语句声明的变量,对所有应用程序中所有模块的所有过程都是可见的。book.chinaz.com/VBScript/VBScript1/0.htm
Les citoyens sont des «personnes jouissant de droits civiques assortis de devoirs ». Le public est un «ensemble indéfini d'individus issus de la population». www.planetecologie.org/JOBOURG/Francais/dictionnaire.html
kann von allen Klassen aus angesprochen werden, vom englischen Wort für öffentlich. www.boku.ac.at/javaeinf/jeinwas.html
Nella parte PUBLIC vengono inseriti i metodi della classe, i quali possono essere modificati liberamente senza alcuna restrizione. www.projectc.netsons.org/web/termini.html
Os membros da classe não possuem qualquer restrição e podem ser acessados por qualquer programa. www.macoratti.net/vbn_bas5.htm
Часть интерфейса какого-либо класса, объекта или модуля, открытая (видимая) для ... vmk.ugatu.ac.ru/book/buch/glossary.htm
"Society in general and the individuals in it." www.bsa.govt.nz/mediastudies/
Within the Baha'i comnmunity today, all eyes are on growth. The purpose of the Baha'i religion is to bring unity to the world. Baha'is are striving mightily to bring the message of Baha'u'llah to the attention of the public. If you search for "public" on the Baha'i Reference Library website, you come up with 506 results. Here is a compilation of a few quotes from that source that reference "the public." -gw


Among the disturbing factors that have intensified the difficulties of the present situation is the extraordinary judgment recently passed by the Supreme Religious Court of Egypt, declaring the Bahá’ís of that land adherents of a Faith heretical in character, and at variance with the accepted doctrines of Islám, and hence utterly outside the sphere of its jurisdiction. What exactly the implication of this verdict will be, the effect its practical application will have on the relations of the Bahá’ís with the followers of the Muslim Faith, what measure of publicity it will receive, what impression it will create in Muslim lands and particularly in hostile Persia, the future only can disclose. So far it has failed to perturb public sentiment or give rise to any official or public demonstration of a nature that would justify or necessitate any action on the part of the American Bahá’ís, who are powerfully demonstrating today their readiness to champion the cause of truth and justice. I will not delay in informing you of the exact measures that I feel will be necessary to take should the occasion arise in future. It is clear and evident that Western influence, the loosening of the bonds of religion, and the consequent waning vitality of the once powerful Muhammadan stronghold of Egypt are in a great measure to account for the indifference and apathy that now seem to characterize the attitude of the masses towards this important and vital issue. This decision, however locally embarrassing, in the present stage of our development, may be regarded as an initial step taken by our very opponents in the path of the eventual universal acceptance of the Bahá’í Faith, as one of the independent recognized religious systems of the world.
The further emergence of the Faith from obscurity is reflected in distinctive ways. In learned circles, in reference works and in the media, the Faith is increasingly being referred to as a “principal” or “major” world religion…. The exposure of influential segments of the public to Bahá’í ideas in such areas as peace, the environment, status of women, education and literacy, has induced a response which increasingly calls upon the Bahá’ís to participate with others in a range of projects associated with governments or with non-governmental organizations.

…Bahá’í projects of social and economic development have greatly multiplied and brought much credit to the community in the examples of the power of group initiative and voluntary consultative action that have been set in numerous places…. Some projects have been so distinguished in their achievements as to be given public notice through the citations and awards of governments and international non-governmental agencies.
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