Sunday, December 30, 2007

On Showing Respect: Shoes Off at the Lotus Temple, Hats Off to Temple Photographers

How many of us take our shoes off when entering someone's home? I know it is cultural. My friend Polin from Cambodia does it everytimes he comes to our home. I do it everytime I go to the home of one of the Persian friends. Taking off one's shoes is a way of showing respect. -gw
[right] "Baha'i Temple India, 2007-Dec-25 (9) -
An underground room contains the deposit area for footwear. Visitors are discouraged from entering the temple in shoes and sandals."
[below] Baha'i Temple India, 2007-Dec-25 (2)

Each day when I sit down to add a post or two to Baha'i Views, I go through a routine that includes checking Flickr for the most recent pictures tagged "Baha'i." With my search today I was greeted with the following statistic. -gw

We found 17,222 results for photos matching Baha'i

Among the most recent offerings are these from dear Paul Ancheta and two other photographers. Hats off to the temple photographers! -gw


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