On a Prayer in a Prayer Book: I'm not sure if any other religion has an equivalent
The Baha'i House of Worhsip is referred to as "the Silent Teacher." The same can be said, it seems to me, for Bahai.org on the Internet. There are so many blog mentions of the Faith these days by people whose knowledge of the Faith has come from the internet rather than knowing a Baha'i personally. -gw
Seriously, Baha'i may be the best religion... I mean one of its main tenets is making sure that children are educated—not about the religion, but just in general. http://www.bahai.org/ for their own words on the topic.
But mainly, I was just looking through this little book of Baha'i prayers that I picked up, and there's one in it which is really great, and I'm not sure if any other religion really has an equivalent: "O God! refresh and gladden my spirit. ..."I think I might be a Baha'i
[17 Dec 200708:22pm]
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