On Those Who Have Ears to Hear: "Journey from Eden," Pointless Suffering
I Read the News Today, Oh Boy! as I do every morning sitting in my chair, 20 or 30 minutes of reflecting on the world before I get up, get dressed, and head off to work. I saw pictures of street protests in Venezuela and Pakistan this morning. This was today. Tomorrow there will be other images to contemplate the meaning of.Then on my way to work I listened to Steve Miller's hit anthology, one song in particular, "Journey from Eden," another of the countless songs that can be used as a vehicle for teaching the Faith of Baha'u'llah to those who have ears to hear. -gw
Listen to the blackbird sadly sing
For you, for me
Look at all the pointless suffering
I am dreaming of a garden
And I see the midnight flight
Of a blackbird, through my vision
To the light
To the light
She is standing in the doorway
With the love light in her eye
And she beckons me to journey
Through the night
Through the night
Listen to the blackbird sadly sing
For you, for me
Look at all the pointless suffering
To the people, who are naked
As they breathe in amber haze
Wandering endlessly narcotic
Through the maze
Through the maze
To the leaders, who are timeless
As they flaunt their warlike ways
Flying endlessly o'er the wasteland
Seeking praise
Seeking praise
Listen to the blackbird sadly sing
For you, for me
Look at all the pointless suffering
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