On the InterFaith Concert Tonight: Is Ecumenicity Simply an Opportunity for "Poaching"?
Tonight, a concert. -gw
IFC's 28th Annual InterFaith Concert:
A Celebration of the Sacred in Song, Dance and Chant!
Tuesday, November 13, 7:30 pm
at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
400 Michigan Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20017
A Celebration of the Sacred in Song, Dance and Chant!
Tuesday, November 13, 7:30 pm
at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
400 Michigan Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20017
Featuring the Talents of 217 Musicians from Nine Different Faith Traditions
Metropolitan Washington Baha'i Chorale * SGI-USA (Buddhist) New Century Chorus
Pushpanjali Dance Group (Hindu / Jain) * Native Deen (Islamic) * Fabrangen Fiddlers Band (Jewish)
The Latter-day Saints Mt. Vernon Choir * Metropolitan AME Mighty Men's Choir (Protestant)
St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church Adult Choir * Sikh Kirtani Jatha (pictured below)
Metropolitan Washington Baha'i Chorale * SGI-USA (Buddhist) New Century Chorus
Pushpanjali Dance Group (Hindu / Jain) * Native Deen (Islamic) * Fabrangen Fiddlers Band (Jewish)
The Latter-day Saints Mt. Vernon Choir * Metropolitan AME Mighty Men's Choir (Protestant)
St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church Adult Choir * Sikh Kirtani Jatha (pictured below)

But not everyone is happy with ecumenicity. -gw
And who is really comfortable with this arrangement? I would guess that the faithful Muslim or Mormon is going to look forward to this event primarily for the opportunity to "poach" those of the others faith groups present... but I've always been a nay-sayer.
1 comment:
You have used the term ecumenicity in regard to the InterFaith gathering. I did not call it an ecumenical gathering. Ecumenicity is a coming to oneness, the term predominantly (and on my blog) meaning Christian oneness. Interfaith or inter-religion does not mean ecumenical. The InterFaith group in D.C. has as its mission statement not achieving "oneness", but rather seeking justice, religious freedom, and the like.
And I might have missed your alternative theory on why these faith groups would want to express their belief that only Jesus is Savior (Protestant), or that there is only one God, and Allah is his profit (Muslim), or that Jesus appeared in North America and Native Americans are the two banished Jewish tribes (Mormon) together in a Roman Catholic Basilica. My theory was that they're each hoping to make the others come to adhere to their own religion. What's your theory?
Peace to you,
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