Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On News from Indonesia: Alarm bells or Ring the bells!

Dear Marco of Povo de Baha writes the following. -gw

Dear Friends, Some of you may have seen this:
31 people abandon Islam to become bahaists in Donggala

This seems to me like an alarm bell against apostasy in a Muslim country. After persecutions in Iran, religious apartheid in Egypt, are we going to receive bad news from Indonesia? Just wondering...

Warmest greetings,
Marco Oliveira

What's interesting to me are these two Google ads that ran directly below the article in question when I first clicked over. -gw

Former Muslim Speaks Out
Man raised as Muslim now sees Jesus in a different light.

Find The Perfect Religion
Which religion is the best for you? Find out with the religion test.

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1 comment:

Marco Oliveira said...

It continues here: