Tuesday, May 08, 2007

On Blogging Is Powerful: "Cultivating the Roots" Workshop Tells Why

"presentation set-up," uploaded on May 5, 2007 by dragfyre on flickr
"Baha'i niners: long live bahainine.com!"
Uploaded on May 7, 2007 by dragfyre


I am deeply grateful to the friends who attended the "Cultivating the Roots" conference and posted about it. The conference was not to be missed, but I had to, unfortunately, and I feel terribly about it. However, the text and pictures from Laina and dragfyre, posted via their blogs and dragfyre's flickr site, give me the feeling of almost having been there. -gw

Laina, "Baha'i Computer and Communications Association (BCCA) successfully renewed with new energy and ideas with conference at Bosch," Unity Blog: Personal experiences and views shared as Baha'is and as global citizens

"plenary session," Uploaded on May 5, 2007 by dragfyre on flickr

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWESOME conference
very exciting to see all the amazing stuff that Baha'is are working on - and to read the guidance coming through about Baha'i involvement in the Internet!

read through these for a glimpse: