Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On the Golden Rule Remix: From Buddhism to Baha'i

"Golden Rules in many faiths: The 'Golden Rule' board at First Unitarian. Now with Wicca :) "
Uploaded on December 30, 2006 by Spotty Logic on flickr

All religions are alike. All religions are different. Both statements are true. -gw

“So I’m gonna give these examples of Golden Rules from different cultures. Read ‘em and share ‘em with the class.” They ran from Buddhism to Baha’i. And most did sound a lot alike. Shouted one girl: “The Golden Rule remix!”

Excert from the Time magazine article, The Case for Teaching The Bible By David Van Biema, reposted on captive thoughts

Therefore, although the religions of the East and West have widely differing concepts of the highest reality, Baha’u'llah maintains that this does not mean that there is a difference in the reality that is being described. Rather the religions differ because they are each looking at that reality from different viewpoints. They have each constructed concepts and ideas from their own perspective. The source of the differences lies, therefore, not in what is being observed; rather it lies in the fact that those who have written on these subjects have each had a particular cultural or personal background that predetermines the way that they have looked at these matters.

From the commentary on the Baha'i Faith, quoted by Michael in "Common Philosophical Ground," Year of Faith

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