Sunday, March 25, 2007

On Baha'i Naw-Ruz: New Wave

Happy Naw-Ruz 164 or 1386 or 2007! Here is another smattering of Naw-Ruz blog-citings, Part Adieu to the holiday. -gw
The Baha'i faith marked the start of its calendar on March 20, the spring equinox itself, with a holiday called Norouz .

Yaakov, "Bunny Rabbits," The Dry Bones Blog



n e i g h b o r s

are members of the Baha'i Faith, and invited me to celebrate Naw-Ruz at an open house this afternoon.

Broadsheet, "Happy Baha'i Naw-Ruz," Broadsheet


I am delighted to send all members of the Baha’i community my best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Tony Blair in "Tony Blair e David Cameron," Povo de Baha, and "Baha’is of UK receive greetings from Tony Blair," Barnabas quotidianus


We celebrated by going to a small game reserve in Chisamba with a number of Baha'i friends.

"Oh Dear, " Luckybeans: Life with Three Zambian Monkeys


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