Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On Too Cool for Words: R's new best friend is a Baha'i ??!?!?!

The kids and I haven't yet gotten back into the habit of attending Baha'i school and devotions on Sunday mornings. We got there yesterday, though. To be more precise, M went with me; R had a play-date with a friend. The joke was on R, though.

In the middle of devotions, as all the kids headed off to their Baha'i school classes, I noticed a familiar face amongst the children. Okay, so I recognized lot of the faces, but one face I knew NOT from the Baha'i community. It was the familiar face of R's newest best friend from school, X!

You see, X is the friend that R made on this year's first day of school. X had just moved here from Texas, and had yet to make any friends. X and R have gotten along famously ever since. R even invited X to attend his Cub Scout open house. Only now have I learned that they had known for quite some time they were both Baha'i. R didn't even bother to tell us...which delights me to realize just how commonplace he thinks he is as a Baha'i.

As soon as I recognized X, I quickly looked for X's parents, whom I'd met once before. I didn't have to look far, as they were sitting directly behind me. We parents were delighted to find this unexpected common bond; the kids were completely nonplussed. We just can't seem to get our heads around how the only two Baha'i kids in the Access School -- one of them a "new kid" -- succeeded in finding each other on the first day. That our respective children resonate so deeply with the Baha'i principles as to be found quickly by other Baha'is is just too cool for words.

Nolan, "R's new best friend is a Baha'i ??!?!?!" Keeping Up With Nolan
{Re-posted with permission}

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