Monday, February 05, 2007

On Family Life and Table Tennis: I was in a God sammich

Uploaded on October 17, 2005 by Sean Hawkey on flickr
The excerpt below was "found on the web." A bit of family life and sweet reminiscing. -gw
I was in a God sammich between my mom and Mike this evening. It felt like watching a game of table tennis, but it was actually very sweet. I blame it on the full moon. Religion talk still makes me a bit uncomfortable even though I am currently super obsessed with it. I just keep my faith very private where as my family doesn't. And I understand why, it means the world to them and feel selfish keeping it to themselves. My grandpa would tell everyone he'd come across about his religion, even at 95 years old, "Do you know who I am? I am a Baha'i....." bless his soul, he was the most purehearted man I've ever known.
{Re-posted with permission}

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