Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On Brief Mentions: Read On

Brief mentions. -gw

i'm by no means looking for a religion, but i have this policy of trying to go to anything someone invites me to, so we went to a meeting of soka gakkai buddhists and another one for baha'is this weekend.
so in composition class, we are focusing on the harlem renaissance. & i was researching alain locke who was an significant writer of the time, who wrote a lot of important pieces such as "the new negro" & i found out... he was a baha'i! same
religion as me.
Im now reading Freakanomis and an introduction to Baha'i teachings. Cool stuff. Quick note on Baha'i initial reactions: Why are all the prayers in old english?

1 comment:

coloured light said...

hi, sure, you can take an excerpt. =)