Monday, January 22, 2007

On Being Back from a Baha'i Youth Conference: I wouldn't be a fangirl

In her email giving me permssion to re-post this, Cenedra said she didn't think this entry was very "inspirational," but I find her enthusiasm to be precisely that. -gw

I'm back and the youth conference was awesome!! ... There were so many people there. Like 600 Baha'i Youth x_X Wow. Though we were at Latrobe Uni Bundoora Campus, which is huge and out in woop-woop and could more than comfortably accomodate us. I met lots of new people and spent much time with my Melbourne Uni Baha'i Society friends. I'm a bad spendthrift when I'm having a good time, and this conference was no exception--I spent no less than $95 on merchandise and shirts and stuff. The money all goes to the Fund and charities and stuff so I was even more encouraged (one dude bought an auctioned hoodie for $1200!!! ...) but still... ;_;
There was a Baha'i singer there called Devon Gundry who Rajiv had waxed lyrical about before but I never really paid much attention. But you know what? He's actually awesome! He's a great person and has an awesome voice and is so great live... and he's cute :3 And because of that I was so determined not to fangirl over his music. I shunned him and ignored him for the first part of the conference. ...I WOULDN'T BE A FANGIRL. But I ended up squeeing with Rajiv anyway (especially at the last concert oh dear) and buying his CD and a t-shirt (which was just a general Baha'i t-shirt, but they were from America and the designs were funky). AND OMG RAJIV RECORDED AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS I WAAAAANT IT!!! So yes. Not a fangirl.
{Re-posted with permission}

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