On a Baha'i Wedding in Hawaii: Newlywed couples more magical
这个周末把人忙坏了,因为要参加一个婚礼,所以得帮着筹备。虽然不是传统婚礼,不用去教堂,只是在宾馆举行仪式,而且只有50个人,还是把我们忙坏了。新婚夫妻比较神奇。新郎是加拿大人,学数学的,新娘是斐济人,长期住在夏威夷。两人在网上偶然认识,越谈越有感觉。加拿大小伙就决定到夏威夷去看一下自己心中的“dream girl"。两人在夏威夷度过了浪漫的三个月。然后新娘就跟新郎回到了加拿大,举行婚礼。由于他们是Baha'i信仰者,而且新娘家又是热情的夏威夷人,虽然婚礼很是特别,从服装到仪式,特别是最后新娘姐妹兄弟一起表演的夏威夷本地舞蹈,是我从来没有参加过的婚礼。
不管怎样,很久没有来跟大家问好了。祝大家一切如意,吃好睡好!果果熊的窝, "我参加了加拿大人的婚礼," Spaces
Here is a translation of a portion of this post, thanks to Google's Language Tools. -gw
Newlywed couples more magical. The groom is the Canadians, studying math, the bride is Fijians long in Hawaii.They understand the Internet occasionally, become more and more feeling. Canada went into the decision to Hawaii can see his mind on the "dream girl." They spent a romantic three months in Hawaii. Then the bride returned to Canada with her husband and marriage. Since they are Baha 'i faith, but the bride's family is warm in Hawaii, although it is a very special wedding, from clothing to the ceremony, the bride is the last of the brothers and sisters together in Hawaii local dance performances.
when the page was downloading i thought the entire blog post is in japanese, i thought for a millisec. maybe it's a surprise or even an encouragement to learn japanese as the blogger has just started it :):)
...oh this amazing mind!
thanks for the reply to my suggestion, i know each age period has its own requirements, feelings and its own fulfilments to get done... and i had realized you are interested in reading other people's works and you try to make a connection, something that i find really beautiful... you kinda gather people together back to your blog by posting part of their posts in their own blogs or even photos or any other forms of their self-expressive pieces that can be transferred to your blog page.
that has made this page nice, although the focus is on Baha'i people and faith.
keep the good job, anyhow.
maybe 4-5 years later, you will feel the urge to have a webpage or blog to write your own thoughts, observations, memories, experiences, even those of work,... in, who knows, eh?!
here is my version of the translation :) the google version is more fun though.
"The bride and groom were quite magical. The groom was Canadian, and a mathematician. The bride was Fijian but has lived in Hawaii for a long time. The couple met on the internet quite by chance and as they got to know each other they gradually developed feelings for each other. The young Canadian fellow decided he must go to Hawaii to lay his eyes on the “dream girl” he had in his mind. The two spent a romantic three months together in Hawaii and then the bride followed the groom to Canada and they got married. It was a wedding such as I had never before experienced since they are both Baha’is and, in addition, the bride’s family were warm-hearted Hawaiians so everything was very special from the clothing to the ceremony and especially the native Hawaiian dance performance at the very end of the program that was put on by the brothers and sisters of the bride.
Oh, I love your translation the best, CoA!
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Paradox.
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