On Religious Diversity: Well Spoken, But a Bit Out of Sorts
Religion has a hold on the hearts of many, Independent Lemming for one. She attends a Religious Diversity forum, is amazed, then disheartened, and ends up feeling a little...independent. -gwThe Religious Diversity forum was amazing. It was so exhilarating to be around like-minded scholars and thinkers, who, although approaching a topic from many traditions, are still committed to open and earnest dialogue. I caught the first session's panel on religion and bioethics. Very cool stuff, especially on the discussion of stem cell research as seen by all 4 major Jewish traditions, Missouri Synod Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Buddhist perspectives. A couple of our profs were on the panel, so it was well worth being there for it. Dr. S was there for that one as well (sitting right next to me, of course). ...
Apparently, I'm well-spoken on concepts of religious diversity. Who knew?
A nice Tibetian Buddhist lady spent 20 minutes teaching me about the singing bowls and other tools for meditation. It was quite interesting. Hey, I'm not opposed to learning better ways to center my thoughts for prayer. Probably should stick with English, though, rather than the Tibetian mantras. Go with what you know. I did buy a yak bone bracelet from her (as I couldn't afford much else at that table).
A nice young man from the Baha'i faith gave me a crash course in its teachings and a fistful of pamphlets. I was impressed with what I heard; it seems to be a very forward thinking faith. I also got a crash course from a Christian Scientist lady, a nice gal who seemed very focused on the healing aspects. Must be the crutches.
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Then I get home to find out my grandparents have left Episcopalianism. That hurts. Bad. I'm stil trying to sort it out in my head, because it doesn't make sense.
And for that reason? Look, the Presiding Bishop doesn't really set dogma or doctrine. That comes from the A of C. And local practices are determined on a large scale by the diocese, and on a small scale by the parish priest and Vestry. They should know that after something like 50-70 years as part of God's Chosen Frozen.
But I can't point that out, little upstart know-it-all that I am. I won't open my mouth because I'm damn tired of being told I don't know anything.
Independent Lemming, "I'm not dead. Just dead tired and a bit out of sorts," Independent Lemming's Journal
{Re-posted with permission}
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