Sunday, November 19, 2006

On Reading the Chapter on Baha'i: Meg Completes Her Assignment

Meg of Mineralwells, West Virginia, is working her lists. I understand she has already completed her Poly Sci and Religions assignments for school. So she has read the Chapter on Baha'i. -gw

Current Music: Stratovarius - "Against the Wind" (live)
Current Mood: energetic

Here are a bunch of lists of things that I need to keep track of. First off, it's things to do for school. Then, it's my list of Christmas exchanges (let me know if anyone wants on or off that thing!) and maybe I'll add to this later if I feel it necessary. So, here goes.

Poli Sci

Type notes.
Read chapter 10.

Read Baha'i chapter.

Sonnets Commentary
John Donne Commentary
Shakespeare Commentary
Cavalier Commentary
Milton Commentary
Faerie Queen paper

Journalism assignment
Revisions ...

Meg, "Lists," Invisible Power: It's growing stronger each night

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