Friday, October 20, 2006

On Pluralism: As Opposed to Exclusivism

Comparative religion courses provide another way for people to encounter the Baha'i Faith. Through her encounter, Jill concludes that its OK, in fact, healthy, to question her belief system. -gw

Although I am officially a Christian since 2002, I am not a religious person at all. God is the Most Mericiful and Benevolent of all. The King of the Universe. The Great Judge. However, I took a course back in 2004 called "Philosophy and Religion." At first, I did not want to take the course but I was convinced that I needed 9 Humanities credit for my transfer rather than the college mandated 6. Anyways, I took it and I've learned a lot about narrow-mindness and ignorance of "average" people and I also learned a lot about how arrogant and self-conceited I can become intellectually. I am not "perfect" nor have I ever claimed to be "perfect." Well, we have these guests who answered all our questions about their respective religion so I would research everything thoroughly so I can impress the guests with complex, thought-provoking questions. All these guests were stomped by my questions and grudgingly admitted it. I would grin with the utmost satisfaction with my trademark "I am smarter than you unless you can prove otherwise" look. Well, we finally got to the remaining unit on the Baha'i Faith. "Oh, yeah, I've heard of that back in seventh grade!" We studied it thoroughly then I felt an utter compulsion about this faith. Like Islam, the Baha'i Faith recognizes Jesus as a prophet of God and a great religious teacher and philosopher. However, unlike Christianity, Jesus is not the Messiah. Well, who is the Messiah? (I said like an angry child I can become). I mean why make me question my ancestrial faith about whether the Christ was Messiah or just another prophet. Why insult the Christ he died for our sins and for mankind to experience redemption? Why belittle the Christ ministry? Well, the whole course changed my perspective on a lot and taught me to question religion. Do I still believe in the Christ child? Yes, of course. Nevertheless, although I have this special affinity towards Christianity essentially because its my ancestral religion,

I have been studying more and more about the Baha'i Faith. I actually respect the Baha'i Faith like I respect Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and a great number of other religious traditions. I like the pluralism in Baha'i as opposed to the exclusivism you will find in other religions.

To make a long story short, it's okay to question religion and your belief system. To make your religious convictions genuine (other than my parents were that so that is why I am that), you must continue to question your beliefs and when someone comes up to you challenging your faith you must have an intellectual foundation to stand on (as opposed to say "because it was in the Scriptures."). In order to be a genuine believer, you must continue to educate yourself about your religion and be ready to defend your faith intellectually.

Jill, "My Own Intellectual Arrogance," The Intellectual Postmodern Redneck

{Re-posted with permission}

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hi George! :)

I think it is a very good thing to question your faith and ask why you believe what you believe. I know I went through time at the very beginning of high school where I wondered if I believed in Christianity just because my parents did. I started to ask more questions and looked at other religions to see what they taught. After much searching I knew what I believed and I can stand firm today that I believe what I do, not because I grew up in Christianity, but because I truly believe the truth Christ taught for myself. And that is such a joyful feeling.

P.S. I just posted an article on my blog I found about why Christianity is exclusive. I was wondering if maybe you would like to check it out and leave a comment or two? ;)