Friday, October 27, 2006

On Passion: What's yours?

Write Softly's lengthy post "What's Your Passion?" from which I have drawn a brief excerpt, is very lovely. She is so right. Raise the question "What is your passion?" and you get at the heart of what a person is all about. What's yours? -gw

I'm passionate about the Baha'i faith (check it out at It's not a people thing, but it's what I believe at my core, in my soul, with my spirit, with all my heart. The idea of unity throughout mankind is what I'm all about, as well as the basic core beliefs that men and women are spiritually equal, there's only one God and we all worship Him (sometimes from different faith perspectives), He only has one plan and He's shared it with mankind through different Holy Messengers, and that everyone should embark on their own personal independent investigations into the truth of faith and God -- those things are the fabric of who I am. I often do a crappy job of living the way God has asked me to, as a Baha'i, but I take comfort in my efforts, in the staunchness of my beliefs even when my deeds are lacking, and in His eternal forgiveness.

"What's your passion?" Write Softly

1 comment:

Write Softly said...

Hi, George -- Especially after viewing your lovely page, I was touched and honored that you wanted to re-post a part of my "what's your passion" posting. Help yourself (or, as our Persian friends would say, "Nooshejan!")! Thank you for putting together such a beautifully crafted site. Glad you found me online.