Tuesday, September 12, 2006

On Teaching the Baha'i Faith: The cupbearer proffereth not his cup till he findeth a seeker

I got an invitation to consider being a guest on "The Narrow Mind" radio show today. While I was honored to be asked, I felt I needed to decline. Interfaith dialogue is valuable, but adversarial debate doesn't bring humanity closer together.

I've been reflecting a lot about teaching the Faith lately. Here are a few excerpts from the Baha'i Writings on the subject. -gw

We should never insist on teaching those who are not really ready for the Cause. If a man is not hungry, you cannot make him eat. -- Shoghi Effendi, Unfolding Destiny

You should exercise your judgement and tact in delivering the message. You should make an effort to understand the character and mind of the seeker before you speak to him on the Cause. -- Shoghi Effendi, Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand

The Bahá’í will, however, on no account force his ideas on those who do not wish to hear them. He will attract people to the Kingdom of God, not try to drive them into it. He will be like the good shepherd who leads his flock, and charms the sheep by his music, rather than like the one who, from behind, urges them on with dog and stick.

Bahá’u’lláh says in the Hidden Words:—
O Son of Dust!The wise are they that speak not unless they obtain a hearing, even as the cup-bearer, who proffereth not his cup till he findeth a seeker, and the lover who crieth not out from the depths of his heart until he gazeth upon the beauty of his beloved. Wherefore sow the seeds of wisdom and knowledge in the pure soil of the heart, and keep them hidden, till the hyacinths of divine wisdom spring from the heart and not from mire and clay.

Again He says, in the Tablet of Ishráqát:—
O people of Bahá! Ye are the dawning-places of the Love and daysprings of the Favor of God. Defile not your tongues with cursing or execrating anyone, and guard your eyes from that which is not worthy. Show forth that which ye possess (i.e. Truth). If it be accepted, the aim is attained. If not, to rebuke or interfere with him who rejects is vain. Leave him to himself, and advance towards God, the Protector, the Self-Subsistent. Be not the cause of sorrow, how much less of sedition and strife! It is hoped that ye may be nurtured in the shade of the tree of Divine Bounty and act as God has willed for you. Ye are all leaves of one tree and drops of one sea.

J. E. Esslemont, "Teaching," Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era

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