Friday, August 11, 2006

On Dating Dilemmas: Why Does He Have To Be a Baha'i?

The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
-- Psalms, 27:1

The Bible provides comfort and guidance to abrowngirl. - gw

So i went out w/ this guy this afternoon. his name is joe and i met him at my sun night church. Very cute, my skin color, hispanic, intelligent, creative. Lots of potential to be a great leader one day.
we went to see a photography exhibit at an art museum. had great conversation, definitely chemistry...SO why does he have to believe that there are many roads you can take to reach God? Many roads meaning Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc. "After all isn't God massive and all-encompassing and can be found in each of those faiths?" ...
and he thinks i am a very wise woman...he said that! ugh! (finally a guy who appreciates the best of me and he has to be a bahai.)

abrowngirl, "another date," Xanga


Anonymous said...

"pray for me! pray for him to come to know Jesus so that we can go out! (is that selfish? never mind, just pray for him to find Jesus, that will be enough...)"


Selfish? Maybe. Close-minded? 100% and twice on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I don't think abrowngirl is a Bahai hater - it just sounds like she's just a Christian (and one who seems to takes her faith very seriously, I might add), in search of a man to fall in love with who shares her very important belief system. I say it's refreshing to see an example of a girl who's faith is such an integral part of her life that she is not willing to compromise what she wants or needs to be happy in life. So often, I see women settle because they believe the lie that no one else will love them...I say hats off to abrowngirl for being brave enough to continue her search for Mr. Right, regardless of how perfect this Joe may seem on paper.

GWD said...

abrowngirl is very accomplished and devoted, as perusal of a few previous posts will indicate. The post from which I briefly excerpted is very touching for two reasons.

Firstly, it is clear that she is simply wanting to find a partner who shares her spiritual perspective. In marriage it is important that there be a fundamental spiritual unity, as many long-married couples will tell us. That unity can be evident from the very beginning, or it can be the result of years of efforts to "spiritualize" the marriage by a spouse. Either way, it is what God's intends in married, I believe.

Secondly, abrowngirl's post is moving because it typifies the common belief that Baha'is don't "know Jesus." Maybe Joe gave her the impression that he thinks the Baha'i Faith is better than Christianity. Any Baha'i who conveys such an impression does a disservice, because we can't accept Baha'u'llah without also accepting Christ.

abrowngirl has a sincere heart. We should all strive for that.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone wants to progress and go forward. Although all the religions of the past are correct and they all carry the same message and worship the same God, yet the Baha'i faith is the latest in the line of all these religions. I think personally to be a Baha'i means to be all past religions. It is like 2 glasses of water, one is from last week and the other is fresh, which one would you drink, although both have the chemistry and atoms and molecules of water in them.