Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On Baha'i Booths: Steppin' Out with the Message of Baha'u'llah

flickr, uploaded on May 30, 2006 by osubahai
flickr, uploaded on January 15, 2006 by AToy
flickr, uploaded on April 8, 2006 by lindsaya
Booths are a reflection of warm temperatures and summertime. I do two booths a year in our community, Ethnic Fest in July and the Asian Water Festival in August. Some very special relationships had their beginning at a Baha'i booth for me. -gw
Have you ever noticed that when you get a new car, suddenly everyone on the road has *your* car? You see what you know, and filter out the rest. The same is true in this instance.You see, since Jessie has begun her journey of exploration within the Baha'i faith, I have been more aware of Baha'is. In fact, I've been frequenting Baha'i blogs and journals, getting information and trying to enlighten myself.
Every year at Steppin' Out the Downtown Merchants' Association take the parking lot behind the Farmer's Market and set up all the "causes". That's what I call them anyway. The Gideons are always there handing out their miniature Bibles. The local Democratic and Republican parties have booths. The theatrical group representing the Summer Musical is there. Town of Blacksburg recycling is there, as are people trying to get signatures for petitions, etc. Often churches will have a booth set up as well.This year as I was walking along checking things out, I was struck by the banner in the photo above. Having an interest in the Faith, I headed towards the booth and asked the gentleman if he would mind if I took a picture. I explained that I was exploring things, my sister had begun Rhui Book 1 classes, etc. and he was more than happy to chat with me.
It seems they have had a booth at Steppin' Out for YEARS! Who knew?? You see, you see what you know!
I picked up some literature including, "The Bahai'is"--an informative looking magazine--a small prayer book, and a small book entitled Baha'i Teachings for a new Millennium. I'm looking forward to digging in as some of the prayers I have already read are quite beautiful.
According to the gentleman I spoke with, being an international community, Blacksburg was a natural destination for many Baha'is after the 1979 revolution in Iran. Many of those who arrived found jobs at the college. The number of Baha'is has flucutated over the years, but there is currently an active Baha'i community in Blacksburg. I'm so delighted I "discovered" something that has always been right under my nose =).
{Re-posted with permission}

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