Wednesday, July 12, 2006

On Serving Junior Baha'i Youth: Different Backgrounds, Inexplicably Close

Dan wrasslin' with the much younger generation

Dan is the man in his service to junior youth.

I've not really been doing much traveling, which is a first for me. A week-long trip to Ft. Wayne, Indiana (or as I prefer, NativeAmerican-ana) has thus far served as my only travel experience since work started. Whilst in NativeAmerican-ana, I served at/attended a Baha'i Institute and learned about the moral, scholastic and spiritual education of jr. youth (ages 12-15ish). I also dug a firepit, laughed as hard as I ever had, drove a Denali, chilled with some kids, met an astounding group of youth, broke my foot, played laser tag (on the broken foot), got way too little sleep, and rode the Greyhound back and forth to it all. I was also immensely blessed spend time with and be the guests of the Smits family. Entire blogs could extol the virtue of this family until the internet ran dry, and I'd still have something good to say. Sufficeth to say that they've adopted me, a fact which, I think, brings me up to one blood family, one ceremonially-tied spiritual family, and three or four adopted families.

Either way, I maxxed big time with my kola Bran Smits. He and I might be from as different of backgrounds as two people can have (with the obvious exception of religion) within the US, but we're inexplicably close. Close enough to ride for. Close enough to be my kola.

danpayne, "been a minute," blogdrive

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