On Blogging for Life: Mo' Baha'i Lynx Comin' At Ya
Photo: "Lynx" comin' at yaHere are my best Baha'i lynx of the day comin' at ya:
Seung-woo Nam has "A New Point of View" on The Sweetest Breeze of Freedom. I am on a journey. I am learning life. I am getting used to sharing with people. I am starting to know about myself. I am trying to be of service to this world.
Best new House of Worship flickr photo...my vote goes to Melodrama. From her profile: Currently using a Canon Digital Rebel 6.3MP with the kit lens... wish I could get a 30D, a better lens, and the 70-300mm IS lens so I can take better macro shots!
Check our Mehran's many faces post and be amazed. Mehran is now in Fiji doing meritorious service for the Cause. Read all about it. I'll be heading out to a village on another Island called Lombasa to take part in an intensive campaign, will visit the old capital of Fiji, the chieftain of which is a Bahai and share the recent letters from the Universal House of Justice.
An Exploration of Faith is such an eminently readable blog. Read Emily's 9th Day of Ridvan post: I always walk home from the Baha'i Center with the largest grin on my face. I don't know if there is a time my smile is bigger than after Feast or Ruhi or especially holy days.
Changy's testimonial to her Baha'i friends: when i think about the baha'is i used to hang out with, i know it's the right way to live for me. i had so much fun w/ those guys. i genuinely miss them and that period in my life.
The 95-member "Baha'i" blogring on Xanga is: dedicated to all the baha'i's or anyone else who is interested in being in an environment which is accepting and non-judgemental. ^.^
There is a lively discussion on LiveJournal in response to ambivertemmers' "Seeking Information" about Buddhism. Osnadurtha: I think that's cool that you go to Firesides. I know just a LITTLE about Baha'u'llah (I should learn more though), but what's really cool is that (I'm a Hare Krishna, learning about Buddhism) in my belief, Baha'u'llah is a Krishna incarnate :) Same with Buddha. Buddha/Baha'u'llah/Krishna = same (to me, anyway, it's all up in the air for the world to decide)... ambivertemmers: Exactly! This is what Baha'is believe, that all the manifestations or prophets of God come from the same source. I believe this too, though I am not a Baha'i.
Having been married for three weeks now, Life Is Beautiful for Tahmina in Haifa, Israel. no matter how much we know each other we still find some new things about each other every day, and it is always an exciting process of bonding with marriage partner and learning more about myself and him on the way because through it one is able to establish stronger bonds with his Creator and learn more about Him which is a purpose of life for Baha'is.
Great comments to "Modesty, You Fickle Beast" on Lacey's blog. For me, part of my dignity is being able to show my arms and neck in public and not be viewed as some kind of object because of one man's weak character (or for it to even be an issue, a thought, a speck of a thought).
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