The outpouring of postings by Baha'i bloggers is incredible these days. The number of new Baha'i personal blogs to peruse is also awe-inspiring, the number certainly growing geometrically. It is as if this technology which makes blogs possible is ready-made for this incredible and awe-inspiring phase in the history of of our Faith for which we have the bounty of being a witness. Baha'i bloggers, to the extent they reflect the teachings and standards of the Faith, further propel the Faith forward. I was reminded today, as I did a quick blog-search, that there is no way I can keep up with every mention of the Faith on the Internet. Yippeee! Wooohoooo! Imagine what it will be like next month, next year, in five years, or by the anniversary year of 2021! It seems fitting to recall the words regarding use of the Internet that were written on behalf of our beloved Universal House of Justice more than a decade ago when the Internet was being used by far fewer in this world.
The opportunity which electronic communication technology provides for more speedy and thorough consultation among the friends is highly significant. Without doubt, it represents another manifestation of a development eagerly anticipated by the Guardian when he foresaw the creation of "a mechanism of world intercommunication ... embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity".
As you well appreciate, the extent to which such technology advances the work of the Faith depends, of course, on the manner in which it is used. As a medium for Baha’is to exchange views, it imposes on participants the same requirements of moderation, candour, and courtesy as would be the case in any other discussion. Likewise, those involved should avoid belittling the views of one another. In this regard, the House of Justice has noted your understandable repugnance at an apparent temptation to use misleading and invidious labels like "traditionalists" and "liberals", which divide the Baha’i community. To the extent that this divisive habit of mind may persist in the Baha’i community, it is obviously a carry-over from non-Baha’i society and a manifestation of an immature conception of life. If Baha’is were to persist in this mode of thinking, It would bring to naught even the most worthwhile intellectual endeavour, as has so conspicuously been the case with societies of the past.
Most important of all, as with any exploration by Baha’is of the beliefs and practices of their Faith electronic discussion will serve the interests of the Cause and its members only as it is conducted within the framework of the Baha’i Teachings and the truths they enshrine. To attempt to discuss the Cause of God apart from or with disdain for the authoritative guidance inherent in these Teachings would clearly be a logical contradiction. To take the first point mentioned in your letter, it is obvious that seeking to impose limits on the universality of the authority of God's Manifestation would lead to the frustration of serious scholarly work and generate disharmony within an effort whose success depends precisely upon a spirit of unity and mutual trust. The standard is the one made clear by Baha’u’llah Himself.
The essence of belief in Divine unity consisteth in regarding Him Who is the Manifestation of God and Him Who is the invisible, the inaccessible, the unknowable Essence as one and the same. By this is meant that whatsoever pertaineth to the former, all His acts and doings, whatever He ordaineth or forbiddeth, should be considered, in all their aspects, and under all circumstances, and without any reservation, as identical with the Will of God Himself.
...The ease and relative impersonality of the electronic medium require in some ways an even higher level of self-discipline than is the case in situations where a spirit of unity is reinforced by the opportunity for direct personal contact and social interaction. In the pursuit of such a spirit of unity, Baha’is will, without doubt, wish to assist the consultative processes by sharing and discussing relevant Baha’i texts. This will itself have the further effect of drawing attention back to the framework of Baha’i belief.
Extracts from Letters written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, "Issues Related to the Study of the Baha'i Faith," published as a supplement to the May 1998 issue of Baha’i Canada by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada
1 comment:
I also found it amazing how many bahai blogs there are! (For example yours that I just happened to stumble upon!) Take Care
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