Thursday, April 06, 2006

On Studying the Baha'i Faith: A Jess Update

Jess of Rambles, Reviews and Rants is a great writer who is able to catch the nuances of life as a married, working (she is a hairdresser) mother of an infant and a toddler with the dog and the in-laws dog to take loving care of, too. My wife of Flitzy Phoebie fame has 15 years worth of journals describing the trials and tribulations of family life, which she occasionally (too occasionally!) will rewrite and adapt into a current post. Catch Jess' latest entry "Catching Up" for a poignant read. Here is a brief excerpt on her impressions of Crash, the movie.

I have been working on a movie review for Crash....It is funny that I watched this movie when I did as I was just flipping through the channels and I realized we had free movie weekend for Showtime. I saw Crash listed, noted that it was the Oscar winner for the year and tuned in. It was very apropos considering my continuing study of the Baha'i faith. It really reaffirmed for me the necessity for humanity to realize that we are one, not splintered groups because of our ethnicity. We may have different skin colors, different religions, and different traditions but we all truly want the same things in life. We all want to be happy, to be loved, to have our children grow up and be successful and happy as well. I never watch movies on Dish- I hardly ever watch TV at all. So, I think this movie was one more way that God is showing me that I am on the right path. It was just another avenue to give me the same message that He wants me to hear.

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