Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On As Candle After Candle Is Lighted by the Hand of Providence: A light casts its beams upon a myriad initiatives

He expounded the teachings in every social space. (The UHJ Ridvan 2011 message in a reference to 'Abdu'l-Baha)
Yesterday the Baha'i Views /Flitzy Phoebie, the Flickr account I share with my wife where we store our photos and videos, passed the three quarters of a million mark for total views. Our all time view count at this moment is 754,405. Between 5 p.m. Sunday and 5 p.m. Monday there were 4,312 total views, another record, for visits in a single day, beating the previous high by more than 1200. The current driver for these numbers is Invaders football.
Fans, families and players can't get enough photos and videos of their favorite team taken at both their games and practices. I would like to think it's because this photography captures the spirit of struggle, accomplishment and, sometimes, outright victory of a collective effort. I would like to believe it is because there is a spiritual component underlying the effort that makes it all ultimately special. -gw
Shoghi Effendi described in compelling language the successive stages by which the divine light had been kindled in the Síyáh-Chál, clothed in the lamp of revelation in Baghdád, spread to countries in Asia and Africa even as it shone with added brilliancy in Adrianople and later in 'Akká, projected across the seas to the remaining continents, and by which it would be progressively diffused over the states and dependencies of the world. The final part of this process he characterized as the "penetration of that light ... into all the remaining territories of the globe", referring to it as "the stage at which the light of God's triumphant Faith shining in all its power and glory will have suffused and enveloped the entire planet." Though that goal is far from being fulfilled, the light already blazes intensely in many a region. In some countries it shines in every cluster. In the land where that inextinguishable light was first ignited, it burns bright despite those who would snuff it out. In diverse nations it achieves a steady glow across whole neighbourhoods and villages, as candle after candle in heart after heart is lighted by the Hand of Providence; it illuminates thoughtful conversation at every level of human interaction; it casts its beams upon a myriad initiatives taken to promote the well-being of a people.  

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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