Friday, January 14, 2011

On Yoga and Baha'i: My relationship with the Faith helps me to understand how I can practice bringing spiritual truths to our global society

Samudra Yoga’s Manifesto

We believe yoga is for everyone. Every size, every age, every mood, every degree of flexibility.

We believe in a practice that does not stop at the physical level, but one that reaches deep to affect your spirit, your soul.

We believe in Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, TKV Desikachar and feel grateful for all the other teachers that have shared their yoga with us.

We believe in carbohydrates.

We believe in living Green. Our paints are lead/VOC free, our insulation is made from recycled blue jeans, our yoga props are eco-friendly, we have used repurposed fixtures where possible, our coffee shop uses compostable cups, lids, straws and utensils---you get the idea.

We believe that you should put down your Blackberry and go pick some actual blackberries.

We believe that when given the chance to practice yoga while looking out over a park and saltwater inlet, while cookies bake below you, you should take that chance.

We believe in Bremerton.

We believe that when you try to bring peace into your body, you can find peace in your soul.

We believe in OM.

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu. (May all beings in all worlds become happy and free.)

We can’t wait to meet you!

Above is the "manifesto":of a local Yoga studio in the town I work in. They got the spirit. Below is recent chatter on a yoga forum. -gw
I found this site by looking up yoga and Baha'i. I am a practicing Baha'i and also a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, yoga teacher trainer and director of Yoga Impact. The physical practices of yoga help me to access meditation, my meditation practice clears my head, my study of yoga philosophy is educational and my relationship with the Baha'i Faith helps me to understand how I can practice bringing spiritual truths to our global society.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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