On the Woman Being Deployed: She's a Baha'i that is all about unity and peace
Rachel Anne has some emotional moments at work. -gw
work yesterday started out amazing and then became significantly more somber. after lunch a woman stopped in the office. she's got a daughter in my group who is a sixth grader and also a husband and a five year old son. she's in the navy reserves. ...
on tuesday night this woman received a call that she is being called up by the army and is being ordered to a FIVE HUNDRED and TWENTY day deployment in iraq. ...the woman being deployed is baha'i, which, by the way, is a beautiful faith that is all about unity and peace and intellectual compassion. she has been active at my work for a long time because her family is christian and she supports them with her whole self. she is a more supportive, active member here than most of our congregation.
blogging from work
rachael anne rules the world
to be alone meant to be filled with power...to hold the world, to watch it spin, to live freely in love with creation...and to cry mascara rivers
on a cotton pillowcase.
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